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Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast

Jan 19, 2014

Dayton Ward: Peaceable Kingdoms.

Over the past decade the prime universe has grown richly complex as print adventures have taken over where television left off. Now, in a new five-book series titled "The Fall," some of Star Trek's greatest authors are going to rock the Federation to its core with an adventure that takes place over a period of sixty days and involves TNG, DS9, and Titan.

In this episode of Literary Treks hosts Matthew Rushing and Christopher Jones conclude our series of interviews with the authors of The Fall as Dayton Ward joins us to talk about his entry in the series, the final book, Peaceable Kingdoms. Dayton talks about batting clean-up in an epic five-book series, how collaboration between all the authors helped make The Fall such a seamless story, giving Beverly Crusher a meaningful role, and the future of Picard.